[Chaos Addicted] Destruction Derby
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[CAD] Destruction Derby League: Registered Drivers

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[CAD] Destruction Derby League: Registered Drivers Empty [CAD] Destruction Derby League: Registered Drivers

Post  Jon606 Fri 19 Jun - 16:51

Here is the list of currently registered drivers. Remember, cars will not be revealed. If the user has chosen their LFS username as their nickname, then they will not need the (a.k.a. ...) bit.

01 Jyrsis
04 Jetter (a.k.a. jetter10)
05 Magnanimous
06 L PLATE (a.k.a. Jon606)
08 Wheeling
09 TorqueSteer (a.k.a. Vazkissimus)
11 Slidetech (a.k.a. EDC SlideTech)
12 Showman (a.k.a. nathan246)
16 ddjc
19 Waddock
22 Blixt
23 Rick (a.k.a. Ricksta)
26 Spongey (a.k.a. killer sponge)
27 Mookster (a.k.a. mookie427)
30 Borsu (a.k.a. blackuster)
31 Ollie (a.k.a. Ollie5)
32 General Hybris
33 Harjun
45 Bangerkid (a.k.a. Bangerkid34)
47 Eclipse
51 Believer
53 Lee (a.k.a. Lee531)
61 M.Kujanpää (a.k.a. markuskujanpaa)
65 rdl
66 Bibiobobubu
72 Danny (a.k.a. Stoney102)
77 GotSpeed
80 Driftoner (a.k.a. Drift1r)
83 DARK (a.k.a. darkside_tf)
87 Liam (a.k.a. Lewis1406)
98 Oliver (a.k.a. hp999)
99 Weeksy

00 James (a.k.a. James79)
02 Fu3L
03 BlueWind
10 Little Fordy (a.k.a. bobtastic266)
13 Junior (a.k.a. Courty334)
20 J.May (a.k.a. mr souter)
34 Zakky (a.k.a. zak_mull)
36 Fredde (a.k.a. motorboy)
44 Justin (a.k.a. simulation)
50 Heroes
54 Henqqa
58 FLIPTREPID (a.k.a. viper-2007)
63 K-Two (a.k.a. mihaitza63)
68 Speeder (a.k.a. Speeder000)
69 W.A.T (a.k.a. Greybull [CHA])
70 Chesnos (a.k.a. nosser)
75 Alex (a.k.a. RS1T)
76 SONICBOOM (a.k.a. sonicboom76)
85 Nooby (a.k.a. tisy0)
89 nyox
95 filius (a.k.a. filiuss)
97 Hamster (a.k.a. HAMSTER97)

Antal inlägg : 195
Join date : 1969-12-31
Age : 33


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