[Chaos Addicted] Destruction Derby
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[CAD] Destruction derby Season!

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[CAD] Destruction derby Season! Empty [CAD] Destruction derby Season!

Post  Spongey Sun 14 Jun - 16:34

titel says it all, Jon & i will start the workings on it Very Happy more info soon!


Antal inlägg : 70
Join date : 2009-06-14

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[CAD] Destruction derby Season! Empty Re: [CAD] Destruction derby Season!

Post  Jon606 Mon 15 Jun - 3:52

Yes, as Sponge has said, there is going to be a [CAD] Destruction Derby league sometime in the future, most likely sometime this year. Details are a bit sketchy at the moment, but there are some good things lined up, one of which will be a quite unique way of signing up for the league... Wink
More details will come as soon as we've worked things out Laughing

Antal inlägg : 195
Join date : 1969-12-31
Age : 33


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[CAD] Destruction derby Season! Empty Re: [CAD] Destruction derby Season!

Post  Rick23 Fri 19 Jun - 2:35


Antal inlägg : 8
Join date : 2009-06-08
Ort : England

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[CAD] Destruction derby Season! Empty Re: [CAD] Destruction derby Season!

Post  Jon606 Fri 19 Jun - 3:13

Rick23 wrote:in.
Good to see your commitment to the season even before anything's been announced! Laughing

Back on the topic: me and Sponge have had a talk about fixtures but would like some comments from the community regarding two of the rounds. These rounds are the "second visits" to Blackwood and Kyoto, but we need your input on where you would want to go on these "second visits".

The options are:

  • Blackwood: GP Reverse or Rallycross (both with layouts)
  • Kyoto: Oval with a DD-style layout on, or Oval Reverse but with no layout

A poll will go up in the Improvement Suggestions section shortly about this. Remember, your say in this will (probably) make the league better for everyone who is wanting to take part!

Antal inlägg : 195
Join date : 1969-12-31
Age : 33


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[CAD] Destruction derby Season! Empty Re: [CAD] Destruction derby Season!

Post  SlideTech Thu 9 Jul - 18:32



Antal inlägg : 7
Join date : 2009-06-27

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[CAD] Destruction derby Season! Empty Re: [CAD] Destruction derby Season!

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