[Chaos Addicted] Destruction Derby
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Marcymarc133, Sibbs225, Badger440, hege, James79

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Marcymarc133, Sibbs225, Badger440, hege, James79 Empty Marcymarc133, Sibbs225, Badger440, hege, James79

Post  Ati Sun 23 Aug - 6:54

LFS & ingame name of the person: Marcymarc133, Sibbs225, Badger440, hege, James79
reason: All doing roadblocks, Going wrong way (+wrecking at same time) Being nuisance...
link to replay / screenshots: http://www.filefactory.com/file/ah3c838/n/_CAD_FZ5_s_Orange_zip
also type the minute where the incident happened since nobody likes to watch a replay of 5 hours: whole replay...

I might send another report here soon...


Antal inlägg : 1
Join date : 2009-08-23

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Marcymarc133, Sibbs225, Badger440, hege, James79 Empty Re: Marcymarc133, Sibbs225, Badger440, hege, James79

Post  Jon606 Sun 23 Aug - 9:55

These are exactly the kind of people who we do not want on the [CAD] servers.

Sibbs225 is now permanently banned after breaking the rules a record 18 times!!!! over the two replays.

MarcyMarc133 is also permanently banned after breaking the rules 10 times in those replays.

James79 is banned for a month (31 days) after breaking the rules 6 times. He will be suspended from the [CAD] Destruction Derby League until his ban expires.

Badger440 is banned for 3 weeks (21 days) after racking up 5 rulebreaks.

hege is now on a final warning for breaking the rules twice; one more rule break and he is banned.

Last edited by Jon606 on Sun 23 Aug - 12:33; edited 1 time in total

Antal inlägg : 195
Join date : 1969-12-31
Age : 33


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Marcymarc133, Sibbs225, Badger440, hege, James79 Empty Re: Marcymarc133, Sibbs225, Badger440, hege, James79

Post  Spongey Sun 23 Aug - 12:27

Jon606 wrote:These are exactly the kind of people who we do not want on the [CAD] servers.

Sibbs225 is now permanently banned after breaking the rules a record 18 times!!!! over the two replays.

MarcyMarc133 is also permanently banned after breaking the rules 10 times in those replays.

James79 is banned for a month (31 days) after breaking the rules 6 times. However, he will be unbanned for the rounds of the [CAD] Destruction Derby League, but will be re-banned straight after the round has finished.

Badger440 is banned for 3 weeks (21 days) after racking up 5 rulebreaks.

hege is now on a final warning for breaking the rules twice; one more rule break and he is banned.

I think you shouldnt unban him for the league jon, enough racers who follow the rules that wanna take his place..


Antal inlägg : 70
Join date : 2009-06-14

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Marcymarc133, Sibbs225, Badger440, hege, James79 Empty Re: Marcymarc133, Sibbs225, Badger440, hege, James79

Post  Jon606 Sun 23 Aug - 12:34

Spongey wrote:I think you shouldnt unban him for the league jon, enough racers who follow the rules that wanna take his place..
That was going to be the original ban anyway, but I changed my mind at the last second for some reason. scratch

Antal inlägg : 195
Join date : 1969-12-31
Age : 33


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Marcymarc133, Sibbs225, Badger440, hege, James79 Empty Re: Marcymarc133, Sibbs225, Badger440, hege, James79

Post  James169 Sun 23 Aug - 15:36



Antal inlägg : 5
Join date : 2009-07-02

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Marcymarc133, Sibbs225, Badger440, hege, James79 Empty Re: Marcymarc133, Sibbs225, Badger440, hege, James79

Post  mookster Mon 24 Aug - 7:25

James169 wrote:TO THE CAGE !!!

as long as you enjoyed yourself before you got banned Laughing Laughing


Antal inlägg : 55
Join date : 2009-06-20
Age : 34
Ort : Oxford UK

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Marcymarc133, Sibbs225, Badger440, hege, James79 Empty Re: Marcymarc133, Sibbs225, Badger440, hege, James79

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