[Chaos Addicted] Destruction Derby
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Hege / Hege

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Hege / Hege Empty Hege / Hege

Post  Impetuz Mon 24 Aug - 13:11

Ingame Name: Hege
LFS Name: Hege

Reason: Blocking Jump
Vid Time: 2:01:00

As you can see, he trys to get over, but fails, but still he parks there and stays there on purpos


--> Impetuz <--
4th Dimension Gaming!

Antal inlägg : 22
Join date : 2009-08-06
Age : 47


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Hege / Hege Empty Re: Hege / Hege

Post  Jon606 Mon 24 Aug - 13:50

You actually got the wrong moment on the replay (58s instead of 2:01) but hege does try and block the hillclimb bit (not the jump) by reversing into the path of oncoming cars.

Due to another report, hege is now banned for 7 days.

Antal inlägg : 195
Join date : 1969-12-31
Age : 33


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Hege / Hege Empty Re: Hege / Hege

Post  Impetuz Mon 24 Aug - 22:16

Yeah i actualy did see that, but as it can be hard to judge, if its a attempt to recover from the crash, and just got him in a unlucky pileup, i chose not to mention it, the first time, but to let the viewer judge. Smile

Antal inlägg : 22
Join date : 2009-08-06
Age : 47


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