[Chaos Addicted] Destruction Derby
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The forum is back!

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The forum is back! Empty The forum is back!

Post  Jon606 Thu 16 Jul - 6:28

We are back, and the league is still good to go! The major pages (such as rules, fixtures, standings, registrations) will be saved as .html files and reposted on a free hosting account in case the forum dies again.

If you are wondering what happened to the forum, then this is what happened:

Sometime on Tuesday (after 12:15am BST), the newest Forumotion.com (the forum's host) server crashed, resulting in many many people losing access to their forums. Yesterday, I was able to access the forum again, but the skin had inexplicably been replaced with a Spanish gamer's skin (https://2img.net/h/oi27.tinypic.com/2agrg2x.jpg) and my account had been deleted, but not my posts (which meant that all of my posts had no name attached to them). Earlier today, at about 12:30pm BST, I discovered that I could access my admin account again, and well... here we are!

Hopefully this downtime hasn't stopped people from wanting to join the league.

EDIT: For some incredibly weird reason, the deleted posts are still here. Shocked I just need to make new forums to get them. So the forums with 0 posts and 0 threads will, in most cases, have threads in them.

EDIT 2: Actually, the only posts to have been deleted are the 2 confirmation thread posts and the off-topic forum, which didn't really have anything important in Laughing

Antal inlägg : 195
Join date : 1969-12-31
Age : 33


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