[Chaos Addicted] Destruction Derby
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Server out?

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Server out? Empty Server out?

Post  Heroes Wed 8 Jul - 9:52

Wtf, I WAS IN DA LEAD, and what happens.. I got an error? Was I so epic winning, everybody crashed? And now I can't join, with me 10 other.. I was 11th in queue. Oaaaah. KYOTO, wait for meeee!


Antal inlägg : 15
Join date : 2009-06-28
Age : 34
Ort : Fryslân

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Server out? Empty Re: Server out?

Post  Eclipse Wed 8 Jul - 19:40

I was in this race too, it was strange we all errored. Then had problems connecting again.


Antal inlägg : 6
Join date : 2009-07-05

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