[Chaos Addicted] Destruction Derby
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logitek, 650 - block, full speed crash

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logitek, 650 - block, full speed crash Empty logitek, 650 - block, full speed crash

Post  rdl25 Sun 18 Oct - 14:03



Username: 650
Reason: Block, Full speed crash
Video: 0.42, 1.04, 2.27, 3.37
Link: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=4RNTYGYH

Reason: Block
Video: 1.29, 3.11, 3.26, 3.40
Link: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=2LY5V2ZR




Username: logitek
Reason: Block
Video: 1.30, 2.26, 4.33
Link: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=2FTR93CV


Antal inlägg : 15
Join date : 2009-08-13

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logitek, 650 - block, full speed crash Empty Re: logitek, 650 - block, full speed crash

Post  Jon606 Sun 25 Oct - 4:13

Apologies for not getting around to these cases until now.

65D is permanently banned for breaking the rules 9 times in those 2 replays; didn't care about anyone but himself. I will try and track down Tiago to ask him why he wanted to report the two NR drivers.

logitekg25 is banned for 3 weeks (21 days) for breaking the rules 5 times.

Antal inlägg : 195
Join date : 1969-12-31
Age : 33


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