[Chaos Addicted] Destruction Derby
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X-treme Kyoto Oval night

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X-treme Kyoto Oval night Empty X-treme Kyoto Oval night

Post  rdl25 Fri 16 Oct - 11:42



Username: GuillaumeJDM22
Reason: Blocking
Video: 1.15, 2.07, 2.21, 2.53, 4.37, 5.19, 6.53
Link: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=H46X0F8H
X-treme Kyoto Oval night 12989762ac0b71_o
X-treme Kyoto Oval night 129897649b4ab0_o
X-treme Kyoto Oval night 129897669f8c69_l
X-treme Kyoto Oval night 12989768d3bc45_o
X-treme Kyoto Oval night 12989770502aa4_o
X-treme Kyoto Oval night 12989772eff5d8_o
X-treme Kyoto Oval night 1298977408c3d8_o



Username: jdmracer_theonly1
Reason: Wrong way
Video: 4.19
Link: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=9BHW01L6
X-treme Kyoto Oval night 129898769f68bb_o

Video: 1.47
Link: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=O9YJ3Q3M
X-treme Kyoto Oval night 12989878a18699_o



Username: Eduardo
Reason: Blocking
Video: 1.11, 2.51
Link: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=66WVAI60

Video: 2.04
Link: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=KFSABTCW

Video: 1.28
Link: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=NQ4LE28N

Video: 1.12, 2.44, 2.58, 4.27
Link: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=TPC6J6FA

X-treme Kyoto Oval night 12990071e74b75_m X-treme Kyoto Oval night 12990099842ed8_s
X-treme Kyoto Oval night 129900956c0e98_s X-treme Kyoto Oval night 12990093919c4a_s X-treme Kyoto Oval night 129900896aaacd_s X-treme Kyoto Oval night 1299008160cce9_s
X-treme Kyoto Oval night 129900792859f7_s X-treme Kyoto Oval night 1299007536b381_s


Antal inlägg : 15
Join date : 2009-08-13

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X-treme Kyoto Oval night Empty Re: X-treme Kyoto Oval night

Post  Jon606 Sat 17 Oct - 14:11

JDM22 is permanently banned for breaking the rules eight times in that replay.

jdmracer-theonly1 seemed to have a long-running feud with speedrce that just got stupid. speedrce and jdmracer are on first warnings for taking part in this feud.

Finally, eduma0708 seems to have just gone mad after rolling in the first of the four replays, and is now permanently banned for 9 rule breaks over the four replays.

Also, you seem to have missed Denisek out, who was breaking the rules quite a bit, plus he was targeting you for some reason. He is banned permanently for breaking the rules 7 times in total from some of the replays.

Lejade is on a final warning for breaking the rules twice, while dirkdigler and KARTRACER10 are both on a first warning for blocking.

Antal inlägg : 195
Join date : 1969-12-31
Age : 33


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X-treme Kyoto Oval night Empty Re: X-treme Kyoto Oval night

Post  JDM22 Mon 19 Oct - 14:08

OMG! Im not seriously permantly banned!!! confused Im just a noob on this server and is was a bad night for me... Damn, im very sorry for what I did. I didnt even know all the rules of the server! If not, I would not do that... I just wanted to have fun and change ideas! Plz, give me acces to the forum Ill do anything to get the acces back to the server! Thank you ... Sad

I didnt have any warning or anything else... Nobody told me to stop.... Damn, be sure that I will never do that again...


Antal inlägg : 2
Join date : 2009-10-19

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X-treme Kyoto Oval night Empty Re: X-treme Kyoto Oval night

Post  ck Puncher Mon 19 Oct - 20:10

Seems like u enjoy standing on trajectories, really admiring scawens artwork, like in an art gallery. wait till rockinham!

Sometimes I would want to forget the rules and crash, but its not that kind of an server, oh yes i have few replays, i should post em, cause one guy keeps me bothering for 2-3 days Evil or Very Mad

oh yes, one headache less on the server!!

ck Puncher

Antal inlägg : 12
Join date : 2009-09-08

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X-treme Kyoto Oval night Empty Re: X-treme Kyoto Oval night

Post  ProjectD Sun 25 Oct - 12:51

dont need this kind of idiots in the servers Evil or Very Mad


Antal inlägg : 7
Join date : 2009-08-21

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