[Chaos Addicted] Destruction Derby
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Please help, I have taken and I can not enter

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Please help, I have taken and I can not enter Empty Please help, I have taken and I can not enter

Post  carlos_sainz Thu 3 Sep - 15:20

hello, I need help, I have been banned and can not enter. took 1 week off and I can not play, somebody help me, I love the server, please Sad


Antal inlägg : 12
Join date : 2009-08-06

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Please help, I have taken and I can not enter Empty Re: Please help, I have taken and I can not enter

Post  carlos_sainz Thu 3 Sep - 15:25

my expulsion was unjust, in the race the second collided with me, and the next curve I with him, in revenge and so I have banned


Antal inlägg : 12
Join date : 2009-08-06

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Please help, I have taken and I can not enter Empty Re: Please help, I have taken and I can not enter

Post  Heroes Fri 4 Sep - 10:26

carlos_sainz wrote:my expulsion was unjust, in the race the second collided with me, and the next curve I with him, in revenge and so I have banned

Because you hit him on revenge ( so on purpose ) they probably banned you. Whenever someone hit you on purpose, always make a replay and post it on this forum. Never go on revenge, because it will infect other people their races.


Antal inlägg : 15
Join date : 2009-06-28
Age : 34
Ort : Fryslân

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Please help, I have taken and I can not enter Empty Re: Please help, I have taken and I can not enter

Post  Jon606 Fri 4 Sep - 10:58

I will ask another admin about your ban Carlos, but from this thread and the other thread (https://chaosaddicted.forumotion.com/general-server-discussion-f3/hello-i-need-help-please-t81.htm) the reason you're getting banned seems to be unneeded revenge hits on other people.

Take this advice: if you get hit, and have to ruin other people's races by wrecking them, then I suggest you go to another server. The [CAD] server isn't for wimps who think it's all about racing and unneeded revenge hits on people when they get spun out, so if you think the server is that, then you should go somewhere else.

Also, this is your second ban from the server; if you get banned again you will be permanently banned from the server.

Antal inlägg : 195
Join date : 1969-12-31
Age : 33


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