[Chaos Addicted] Destruction Derby
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BLwood rally reverse lag problem

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BLwood rally reverse lag problem Empty BLwood rally reverse lag problem

Post  Heroes Mon 10 Aug - 3:25


I just played this track, and it's impossible to drive when someone hits the blue tyres at the first corner.. My FPS was below 1... It was 0,8 lol. Just not able to drive in that. There were some people driving in it because we get lag because of it.

Just saying it should be changed, for the greater good. Wink


Antal inlägg : 15
Join date : 2009-06-28
Age : 34
Ort : Fryslân

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BLwood rally reverse lag problem Empty Re: BLwood rally reverse lag problem

Post  [CAD] Simon Mon 17 Aug - 9:29

I know about that problem and I have changed that problem on the layout i have so i reload it when I change to it. We'll have to change the one that are already on the server.


[CAD] Simon

Antal inlägg : 10
Join date : 2009-08-06

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