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AdreesTinkler - Blocking/driving wrong way

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AdreesTinkler - Blocking/driving wrong way Empty AdreesTinkler - Blocking/driving wrong way

Post  danc3 Thu 23 Jul - 8:14

He had f*cked around before earlier, but this time he hit me, so it really ticked me off.


Username: AdreesTinkler
Nick in race: Annirex

Last edited by danc3 on Mon 27 Jul - 9:51; edited 1 time in total

Antal inlägg : 11
Join date : 2009-07-23

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AdreesTinkler - Blocking/driving wrong way Empty Re: AdreesTinkler - Blocking/driving wrong way

Post  Techno Fri 24 Jul - 14:22

Hi Danc3

First of all, thank you for your Report.

You are right, he used bad words, and blocked other driver.
But, U ask Nuttyneb, if he can ban Annirex, and i thought, he had done something ? - Because the Replay ends, in the middle of your Conversation, so i really want to know how it ends ?



Antal inlägg : 3
Join date : 2009-06-20

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AdreesTinkler - Blocking/driving wrong way Empty Re: AdreesTinkler - Blocking/driving wrong way

Post  danc3 Fri 24 Jul - 19:55

Sorry, i didn't know that the conversation had too much too do with this, despite his actions.

I ended the replay, to save it a.s.a.p. before the restart occured. etc.
That's why I saved it so fast, because I thought that an admin has captioned one the users misbehaviour.

There had already been many complains about this user blocking the way, and driving the wrong way.

but as nuttyneb said, "blabla without proof."

And i give you proof, and you are still in doubt.

Do as you wish, i still wish you the best Destruction Derby server ever, as I anticipate as much there as anyone else. Smile

Regards, ™️DB danc3 Smile

Antal inlägg : 11
Join date : 2009-07-23

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AdreesTinkler - Blocking/driving wrong way Empty Re: AdreesTinkler - Blocking/driving wrong way

Post  Jon606 Sun 26 Jul - 3:46

danc3, I watched this replay before I went on holiday, but I didn't have time to post on here to say the outcome.

Annirex seriously over-reacted; from the replay he decided to call someone a f*cking tw*t just because they clipped him and he rolled.

As a result of this incident, he is now on a final warning. The next time he breaks the rules, he will be banned for 7 days. I will inform an admin who can still access LFS (as I am in Turkey for 2 weeks) to ban him for 7 days if he breaks the rules again.

Thanks for bringing this to our attention.

Antal inlägg : 195
Join date : 1969-12-31
Age : 33


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AdreesTinkler - Blocking/driving wrong way Empty Re: AdreesTinkler - Blocking/driving wrong way

Post  danc3 Sun 26 Jul - 18:09

Thank you, Jon Smile

Antal inlägg : 11
Join date : 2009-07-23

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