[Chaos Addicted] Destruction Derby
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Marcy133 wrong way

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Marcy133 wrong way Empty Marcy133 wrong way

Post  IQ Sun 12 Jul - 15:45

-LFS username / Name: MarcyMarc133(username) / Marcy133(ingame name)
-My username: spajki (cro) / Ingame : T-mobile
-Reason: Deliberately crashing me out of revenge for me crashing him the race before, in the replay you'll see that he waited for me for an 1 minute to come, then he went for me in wrong way Mad . Now i usually don't report people, but him insulting me and my mum (Jon can be my "witness") (insulting my family i don't appreciate, xy reasons, not here to complain about my life) that's one thing i cannot personally stand to be honest.

-The replay is not that long, few minutes tops, spectate him at 1.14 min as he waits for me (T-mobile) and the key moment is in 2.20 min when he actually crashes me ww, and i kept my mouth shut at that moment, but then he continued and rammed me into barriers... You'll see it all in replay i hope.

LINK: http://rapidshare.com/files/255115218/marcy_worng_way_cad.rar.html


Antal inlägg : 2
Join date : 2009-06-27
Age : 32
Ort : Split, Croatia

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Marcy133 wrong way Empty Re: Marcy133 wrong way

Post  GreyBull [CHA] Wed 15 Jul - 13:16

It's actually his second report, so I guess it's time to do something for him.

GreyBull [CHA]

Antal inlägg : 29
Join date : 2009-06-18

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