[Chaos Addicted] Destruction Derby
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2 people who need banning

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2 people who need banning Empty 2 people who need banning

Post  mookster Sun 12 Jul - 9:23

got 3 replays here hopefully enough...lol

Replay 1:

LFS Name/Username: Jim Bang/HGTC
Reason: repeatedly blocking the jumps from 2:10 onwards
Replay: http://rapidshare.com/files/254979412/HTGC.mpr.html

Replay 2:

LFS Name/Username: Jim Bang/Barbarre (same person as above but using different name) & wilderi/Tampani
Reasons: Jim Bang reversing off the start grid, and then repeatedly blocking the ramps with assistance from wilderi, 2:20 onwards (ignore the bad language from me and a few others as by this time we were getting fed up with this little scrote)
Replay: http://rapidshare.com/files/254981274/Jim_and_tamponi.mpr

Replay 3:

LFS Name/Username: Jim Bang/Barbarre
Reasons: more track blocking from 2:10 onwards
Replay: http://rapidshare.com/files/254981894/barbara_again.mpr


Antal inlägg : 55
Join date : 2009-06-20
Age : 34
Ort : Oxford UK

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2 people who need banning Empty Re: 2 people who need banning

Post  Jon606 Sun 12 Jul - 10:13

mookster wrote:got 3 replays here hopefully enough...lol

Replay 1:

LFS Name/Username: Jim Bang/HGTC
Reason: repeatedly blocking the jumps from 2:10 onwards
Replay: http://rapidshare.com/files/254979412/HTGC.mpr.html

Replay 2:

LFS Name/Username: Jim Bang/Barbarre (same person as above but using different name) & wilderi/Tampani
Reasons: Jim Bang reversing off the start grid, and then repeatedly blocking the ramps with assistance from wilderi, 2:20 onwards (ignore the bad language from me and a few others as by this time we were getting fed up with this little scrote)
Replay: http://rapidshare.com/files/254981274/Jim_and_tamponi.mpr

Replay 3:

LFS Name/Username: Jim Bang/Barbarre
Reasons: more track blocking from 2:10 onwards
Replay: http://rapidshare.com/files/254981894/barbara_again.mpr

I actually caught Jim Bang blocking the ramps twice earlier. He is now banned for a month (31 days). This ban will increase to a perm ban the next time he breaks the rules.
And as Barry Scott probably wouldn't say: "(JIM) BANG; THAT T**T IS GONE!"

wilderi is banned for 2 weeks.

Jonathan_F1 (the Spaniard who was constantly swearing) has been banned for a week.

Also in that replay there was someone who you didn't catch out (Mr Oddball) who decided that, after spinning on the ramp, decided to go and wreck Luffy when he came off it. He hasn't been banned, but he is now on a final warning.

Antal inlägg : 195
Join date : 1969-12-31
Age : 33


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