[Chaos Addicted] Destruction Derby
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'Trial' Admins

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'Trial' Admins Empty 'Trial' Admins

Post  mookster Sat 11 Jul - 7:15

what the hell is the point? Yes I know it's important to have admins on, but how are you gonna see if they can cope if they have no powers! They can't even restart a race! Just now we had to wait almost an hour for a race to be restarted with two of these 'trial' admins in the server....so these trial admins are being screwed over because they have no powers other than to report people which anybody can do anyway???? And then they get abuse because they can't restart a race or do jack shit!!!


Antal inlägg : 55
Join date : 2009-06-20
Age : 34
Ort : Oxford UK

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