[Chaos Addicted] Destruction Derby
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Choosing cars

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Choosing cars Empty Choosing cars

Post  bacon117 Thu 9 Jul - 13:42

I'd like to suggest for next season to allow people to choose their own car. Using intake restrictions would be a better way to equalize the cars, instead of forcing people into a certain car, IMO. Also, this limits strategy of the players, and gives unfair advantage to the people that end up with RB4.

By putting weight additions or intake restrictions on RB4, you force people to consider the other two cars, as they could be faster, but it allows them to conisder their driving style.

Just a thought. pig


Antal inlägg : 12
Join date : 2009-06-20

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Choosing cars Empty Re: Choosing cars

Post  Jon606 Thu 9 Jul - 14:48

bacon117 wrote:I'd like to suggest for next season to allow people to choose their own car. Using intake restrictions would be a better way to equalize the cars, instead of forcing people into a certain car, IMO. Also, this limits strategy of the players, and gives unfair advantage to the people that end up with RB4.

By putting weight additions or intake restrictions on RB4, you force people to consider the other two cars, as they could be faster, but it allows them to conisder their driving style.

Just a thought. pig
Thanks for the thoughts Bacon.
We are most likely going to change the registration system for the next Destruction Derby season that [CAD] have, as upon reviewing it, this one looked like it would work really well, but it doesn't seem to have done this, as some people have said "but I only drive this car".

Your idea of weight addition / intake restriction sounds really good, but unfortunately I can't do anything directly related to the server, e.g. enforcing restrictions, so you would need to ask Sponge about it.

Antal inlägg : 195
Join date : 1969-12-31
Age : 33


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Choosing cars Empty Re: Choosing cars

Post  Jyrsis Thu 6 Aug - 14:40

I think that enforcing particular car is good thing, people have to learn to drive other cars that their used to Very Happy
although restrictions to RB4 sounds good also, suspension lasts longer than in XRT and its easier to drive on DD track

"only useless drivers drive always RB4"


Antal inlägg : 19
Join date : 2009-06-22
Age : 38
Ort : Pori, Finland

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