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Shadowcheese and eproxfi, Spamming and insulting

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Shadowcheese and eproxfi, Spamming and insulting Empty Shadowcheese and eproxfi, Spamming and insulting

Post  Trueno Sun 5 Jul - 13:06

Trueno (Dark Force)

Shadowcheese and eproxfi were spamming the chat, copying player names, insulting other players, and making threats. Acting very childish, this brings shame to the LFS community.

Around 4 minutes into the replay they start to act up. Its not a long replay and you will soon see there crappy attitude



Antal inlägg : 3
Join date : 2009-07-05

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Shadowcheese and eproxfi, Spamming and insulting Empty Re: Shadowcheese and eproxfi, Spamming and insulting

Post  Trueno Fri 10 Jul - 17:26

Is there a reason no one has taken a look at this?


Antal inlägg : 3
Join date : 2009-07-05

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Shadowcheese and eproxfi, Spamming and insulting Empty Re: Shadowcheese and eproxfi, Spamming and insulting

Post  Jon606 Sat 11 Jul - 4:08

Trueno wrote:Is there a reason no one has taken a look at this?
I've been too busy adminning the server Razz

Eproxfi has now got a perm ban for the comments he made in the replay, especially the one relating to Victor, and I'm really surprised that Shadowcheese, who is now on a 7 day ban as his comments weren't as strong as Eproxfi's, is a Conedodgers member; surely he should be setting an example to LFS players?

Antal inlägg : 195
Join date : 1969-12-31
Age : 33


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Shadowcheese and eproxfi, Spamming and insulting Empty Re: Shadowcheese and eproxfi, Spamming and insulting

Post  Trueno Mon 13 Jul - 17:37

Thank you for your time and effort.


Antal inlägg : 3
Join date : 2009-07-05

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