[Chaos Addicted] Destruction Derby
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Rules that could be added.

GreyBull [CHA]
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Rules that could be added. Empty Rules that could be added.

Post  Weeksy Sun 5 Jul - 11:13

I was thinking if you could enforce rules like.

No intentional ramming like going out of your way to take a person out.

At the start of races you have to wait till the first obstacle till you can start hitting etc.

Also you could get severe penalties or even a Disqualification from future events.


Antal inlägg : 6
Join date : 2009-07-05

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Rules that could be added. Empty Re: Rules that could be added.

Post  GreyBull [CHA] Mon 6 Jul - 5:47

1) A few % of intake restriction for the RB4
2) A "racer trophy", where you only earn point with the race results
3) More points deduction for abusive language, because it really piss me off(atm there is only 20 points of penalty planned, that's not enough IMO)
4) More points given according to the results

GreyBull [CHA]

Antal inlägg : 29
Join date : 2009-06-18

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Rules that could be added. Empty Re: Rules that could be added.

Post  Weeksy Mon 6 Jul - 6:46

Yeh like more points for doing clean laps without hitting others or walls. And if you do front flips and barrel rolls whilst in mid air you get awarded points say 20 points per roll or flip


Antal inlägg : 6
Join date : 2009-07-05

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Rules that could be added. Empty Re: Rules that could be added.

Post  Jon606 Mon 6 Jul - 7:43

GreyBull [CHA] wrote:1) A few % of intake restriction for the RB4
2) A "racer trophy", where you only earn point with the race results
3) More points deduction for abusive language, because it really piss me off(atm there is only 20 points of penalty planned, that's not enough IMO)
4) More points given according to the results

Weeksy wrote:Yeh like more points for doing clean laps without hitting others or walls. And if you do front flips and barrel rolls whilst in mid air you get awarded points say 20 points per roll or flip
Thanks for the suggestions!

Re: Greybull:
1. Will have to get this sorted out with Sponge so I can't do anything about that straight away
2. I might do that, but I'm unsure at the moment.
3. Yeah, 20 does actually seem too low compared to the new points system. All of these points will be reworked in a few minutes.
4. I'm a bit confused about what you mean by this; could you give more examples about the types of points you want to see?

Re: Weeksy:
That "clean lap" idea sounds like a very good idea, but it does seem like it would be hard to judge. I may put this in anyway. Points for flips and barrel rolls are already in. Wink
But that rule you suggested about "no hitting until the first obstacle" seems a bit weird; the first round proper is going to have no obstacles on it anyway, so this rule would make that round just about racing, which isn't really the "true" aim of DD racing.

Antal inlägg : 195
Join date : 1969-12-31
Age : 33


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Rules that could be added. Empty Re: Rules that could be added.

Post  Driftoner Mon 6 Jul - 9:44

I think in DD racing, getting points for clean driving should be the otherway around, MORE CRASHES = MORE POINTS YEEAAHHH >=D


Antal inlägg : 4
Join date : 2009-07-05

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Rules that could be added. Empty Re: Rules that could be added.

Post  magnanimous Mon 6 Jul - 10:03

There has to always be a careful balance between keeping the races enjoyable (crashing and carnage) and keeping it a racing league.
Points for a clean lap would only really count for those people who get away from the pack and race up in first position, they're already getting 500 points if they win the race anyway.. I suggest you make it worth less than the normal stunt and crash points.


Antal inlägg : 21
Join date : 2009-07-03

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Rules that could be added. Empty Re: Rules that could be added.

Post  GreyBull [CHA] Mon 6 Jul - 10:10

Jon606 wrote:
4. I'm a bit confused about what you mean by this; could you give more examples about the types of points you want to see?

Argh, sorry for not being clear enough, my brain was overheated at this momment... Mad

I mean, more points given from the race results, because atm the best stunts and the best rams give more points than being 1st... So I'm a bit affraid of seeing people just trying to achieve the best stunts and to take out the other drivers without taking care of their own race(ie : waiting for the leaders to wreck them, etc), which would create a nice havoc, but that would be quite boring after a few races. Laughing

GreyBull [CHA]

Antal inlägg : 29
Join date : 2009-06-18

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Rules that could be added. Empty Re: Rules that could be added.

Post  Jon606 Mon 6 Jul - 10:50

GreyBull [CHA] wrote:Argh, sorry for not being clear enough, my brain was overheated at this momment... Mad

I mean, more points given from the race results, because atm the best stunts and the best rams give more points than being 1st... So I'm a bit affraid of seeing people just trying to achieve the best stunts and to take out the other drivers without taking care of their own race(ie : waiting for the leaders to wreck them, etc), which would create a nice havoc, but that would be quite boring after a few races. Laughing
The points for the crashes and stunts are based on the skill and difficulty required to do them. So it's very unlikely to get a Reverse Air Attack in every round of the league, but it's more likely to get someone doing a Barrier Slammer or rolling it over.

As Magnanimous said, I am trying to balance the racing and crashing sides of DD evenly, so I think that giving loads of points for racing will make it too non-contact, while giving loads for crashes and stunts won't make the league have a racing feel.

Antal inlägg : 195
Join date : 1969-12-31
Age : 33


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Rules that could be added. Empty Re: Rules that could be added.

Post  Alex Thu 9 Jul - 18:13

A few rules, which i think would be good if enforced in the server as well

1. No blocking the track, especially not in narrow parts. If you crash move or spectate

2. No mid race join. This stops people joining in just to take out the leaders for fun

3. No using other drivers as brakes in corners]

4. Respect Blue flags

5. Just because it's DD doesn't mean its a ramming server

Antal inlägg : 6
Join date : 2009-07-09

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Rules that could be added. Empty Re: Rules that could be added.

Post  mookster Fri 10 Jul - 2:32

Alex wrote:
4. Respect Blue flags

all good ideas except that one...blue flags have no place in a DD server. Mid race join should remain on though, although it seems to be a rule that splits people


Antal inlägg : 55
Join date : 2009-06-20
Age : 34
Ort : Oxford UK

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