[Chaos Addicted] Destruction Derby
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Season 2 Suggestions

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Season 2 Suggestions Empty Season 2 Suggestions

Post  Jon606 Sun 22 Nov - 4:29

Hey hey hey!

For the next season (sometime in 2010) we would prefer some suggestions so that the league can be better for everyone who wants to take part in it. Here are some of the ideas that we've come up with:

  1. A complete overhaul of the registration system. This year's, despite being unique, was actually quite terrible on reflection. So, for next season, 3 digit numbers will be allowed, as well having your own skins. Plus, if an insim is installed on the server, then there will be restrictions on the RB4 and XRT to even out the field.
  2. Depending on when the next major patch update will be, the fixture list will include Rockingham (unless it isn't released in time), and the VWS will also be in the field of cars and restricted appropriately (unless it also isn't released in time)

So please say your suggestions; it would help us out and you out.

Antal inlägg : 195
Join date : 1969-12-31
Age : 33


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