[Chaos Addicted] Destruction Derby
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Banned? (Dragon11)

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Banned? (Dragon11) Empty Banned? (Dragon11)

Post  rtlkyuubi Sat 21 Nov - 14:36

It seems that I got banned for a full speed hit? Is crashing not the aim of this ? I got banned straight away, no warning / kick and its my 1st incident. Rolling Eyes

My username is Dragon11.


Antal inlägg : 3
Join date : 2009-11-21

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Banned? (Dragon11) Empty Re: Banned? (Dragon11)

Post  jetter10 Wed 25 Nov - 10:26

rtlkyuubi wrote:It seems that I got banned for a full speed hit? Is crashing not the aim of this ? I got banned straight away, no warning / kick and its my 1st incident. Rolling Eyes

My username is Dragon11.
full speed being, at turn and not using brakes?
if so they the ban should stay if not then please post a screenshot, when was this? ect ect


Antal inlägg : 30
Join date : 2009-09-12

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Banned? (Dragon11) Empty Re: Banned? (Dragon11)

Post  rtlkyuubi Wed 25 Nov - 14:06

It was a about at the braking point for 1st corner, but it doesnt matter now, it was only a 1 day ban cheers


Antal inlägg : 3
Join date : 2009-11-21

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Banned? (Dragon11) Empty Re: Banned? (Dragon11)

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