[Chaos Addicted] Destruction Derby
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Programmers Wanted for game (interstate outlaws)

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Programmers Wanted for game (interstate outlaws) Empty Programmers Wanted for game (interstate outlaws)

Post  Alergy Mon 2 Nov - 10:07

Well. It suddently came back to my mind about this small independant game that was being made.

The Project is currently stalled as they need programmers who can use c++ and python

It's an auto combat game a bit like crashday but more in the feeling of interstate 76 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interstate_%2776

Here is the link if you think you can be of any use.

They currently have a functioning (slightly clunky) beta version with a couple of cars that can go online.

might be a fun side project Scawen or anyone else


Antal inlägg : 14
Join date : 2009-06-18

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