[Chaos Addicted] Destruction Derby
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Round 5 Post-Discussion

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Round 5 Post-Discussion Empty Round 5 Post-Discussion

Post  Jon606 Sat 24 Oct - 14:36

Here you can talk about what you thought of the fifth round.

Once again we got 9 drivers, which was a turnout of 81.9%, which was better than last time but still crap. The track's size also played a part in making the round pretty much all boring; if we'd had double the cars then it could have been better. The "no talking" rule was ignored by some drivers, so there will be harsh penalties to those drivers.

The only real bug problem was with the barriers, and despite a lack of anything rampy, Jon managed to create an improvised ramp with the help of Markus in the last race (which was the best race).

Jyrsis returned to pretty much try and hit anything in sight, with this ending in what could possibly be the shot of the league; a near-full speed hit on General Hybris in Race 4 which eliminated both of them. Apart from this though, there really wasn't anything good crashwise (no-one got the crash bonus, although the double points bonus was achieved by some people).

I hope that all the drivers who have scored points over the season will be able to make it to "The Elimination Extravaganza", where we will make the overall champion be known... Very Happy

Antal inlägg : 195
Join date : 1969-12-31
Age : 33


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Round 5 Post-Discussion Empty Re: Round 5 Post-Discussion

Post  GreyBull [CHA] Sat 24 Oct - 15:01

Sorry, couldn't attend to this as I had to drive in GTAL tonight, which wasn't planned...

GreyBull [CHA]

Antal inlägg : 29
Join date : 2009-06-18

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Round 5 Post-Discussion Empty Re: Round 5 Post-Discussion

Post  magnanimous Mon 26 Oct - 4:10

Likewise, sorry I didn't attentd, I was in the library


Antal inlägg : 21
Join date : 2009-07-03

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