[Chaos Addicted] Destruction Derby
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UF1 layout ?

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UF1 layout ? Empty UF1 layout ?

Post  bibibobobubu Sun 27 Sep - 4:32

Perhaps some layout for UF1 will be funny.
Not many speed raming, touching other car is not dramatic...
Accessible for 100% players.
We made BL1 GP REV this morning, all on UF1.
All guys present were agree to say that was really funny.

(And i wish you understand my poor english Very Happy )


Antal inlägg : 5
Join date : 2009-09-12

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UF1 layout ? Empty Re: UF1 layout ?

Post  Jon606 Sun 27 Sep - 5:08

bibibobobubu wrote:Accessible for 100% players.
Well that's not entirely true, seeing as some people who come onto the server aren't S2 licenced, so they wouldn't be able to drive it.

I like your idea, and have also thought about a 6-week "mini" league after the current league finishes. More info about this "mini" league will come soon... Wink

Antal inlägg : 195
Join date : 1969-12-31
Age : 33


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