[Chaos Addicted] Destruction Derby
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Round 3 Post-Discussion

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Round 3 Post-Discussion Empty Round 3 Post-Discussion

Post  Jon606 Sat 26 Sep - 14:05

Here you can talk about what you thought of the third round.

Well we got the target of 70%, but it wasn't the best round we've had. There were some drivers (not naming names) who were very immature tonight, and that is uncalled for. This league is for those drivers who are more mature than the average person on the server, i.e. they are able to give out hits AND take them as well. If you can't do either or both of these, then, in my honest opinion, you're not fit for the league. This immaturity has led to all the deductions in race 3 onwards to not count, which is something I did not want to do this far into the season.

The track was okay, but the barrier bug cropped up again, flipping many drivers. Also, the auto-spectate caught Bibibobobubu out in the last race, but his points will be counted up until when he got spectated. Also, the hilljump did catch a few drivers out but it is notorious for doing this! Very Happy

Crash / stunt-wise, it went well, with Jyrsis and Mookster being two of the more crash-oriented drivers, while either myself or Wheeling got the Stunt Points Bonus, but unfortunately no-one got the Crash Points Bonus! Sad I think I got the "Best Wrecked" award for my FXO Cabriolet in the final race! Laughing

I just hope that a dosage of "Classic Crashing" @ Blackwood GP will not be as bad as tonight was.


Last edited by Jon606 on Sun 27 Sep - 7:39; edited 2 times in total

Antal inlägg : 195
Join date : 1969-12-31
Age : 33


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Round 3 Post-Discussion Empty Re: Round 3 Post-Discussion

Post  jetter10 Sat 26 Sep - 15:35

wa good, had a laugh, apart from the swearing lol, and last race was funny since almost everyone went out

but i tihnk xrt and fxo have abit of disadvantage to the rb4, maybe an rb4 only league? or one car only league to even it out next time?


Antal inlägg : 30
Join date : 2009-09-12

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Round 3 Post-Discussion Empty Re: Round 3 Post-Discussion

Post  Jon606 Sat 26 Sep - 16:34

jetter10 wrote:but i tihnk xrt and fxo have abit of disadvantage to the rb4, maybe an rb4 only league? or one car only league to even it out next time?
I think the only reason the RB4 had such a big advantage in the round was because it was mainly off-road; in the other rounds, it hasn't really had this advantage. Plus your idea of a 1 car league isn't a good idea, as some people might not want to drive a certain car, so that would drop numbers.

Antal inlägg : 195
Join date : 1969-12-31
Age : 33


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Round 3 Post-Discussion Empty Re: Round 3 Post-Discussion

Post  magnanimous Sat 26 Sep - 16:53

Oh jesus, I don't bloody believe it, you reminded me TODAY and then I went and bloody forgot about it...
Someone come and beat me around the head with a shovel, I'll pay for your plane ticket..


Antal inlägg : 21
Join date : 2009-07-03

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Round 3 Post-Discussion Empty Re: Round 3 Post-Discussion

Post  Wheeling Sat 26 Sep - 16:57

magnanimous wrote:Oh jesus, I don't bloody believe it, you reminded me TODAY and then I went and bloody forgot about it...
Someone come and beat me around the head with a shovel, I'll pay for your plane ticket..

book the ticket from holland lol!

Antal inlägg : 17
Join date : 2009-06-14

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Round 3 Post-Discussion Empty Re: Round 3 Post-Discussion

Post  magnanimous Sat 26 Sep - 16:58

To Belgium? That's a bit of a waste of time, you'd be faster driving..


Antal inlägg : 21
Join date : 2009-07-03

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Round 3 Post-Discussion Empty Re: Round 3 Post-Discussion

Post  Wheeling Sat 26 Sep - 16:59

magnanimous wrote:To Belgium? That's a bit of a waste of time, you'd be faster driving..

haha lol

Antal inlägg : 17
Join date : 2009-06-14

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Round 3 Post-Discussion Empty Re: Round 3 Post-Discussion

Post  Wheeling Sat 26 Sep - 17:05

it was een good round
en yeah i got the big jump bonus bounce

but the swearing, en talking is not necessary No
i hope you fix that for next round

Antal inlägg : 17
Join date : 2009-06-14

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Round 3 Post-Discussion Empty Re: Round 3 Post-Discussion

Post  jetter10 Sun 27 Sep - 0:00

Jon606 wrote:
jetter10 wrote:but i tihnk xrt and fxo have abit of disadvantage to the rb4, maybe an rb4 only league? or one car only league to even it out next time?
I think the only reason the RB4 had such a big advantage in the round was because it was mainly off-road; in the other rounds, it hasn't really had this advantage. Plus your idea of a 1 car league isn't a good idea, as some people might not want to drive a certain car, so that would drop numbers.

seeing as most people on the server drive with rb4 anyway, i don't think an rb4 only league would have the numbers drop that bad XD

but then again who knows?


Antal inlägg : 30
Join date : 2009-09-12

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Round 3 Post-Discussion Empty Re: Round 3 Post-Discussion

Post  mookster Sun 27 Sep - 2:03

first few heats were brill, enjoyed them a lot and then it was spoilt by someone I shall not name Evil or Very Mad


Antal inlägg : 55
Join date : 2009-06-20
Age : 34
Ort : Oxford UK

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Round 3 Post-Discussion Empty Re: Round 3 Post-Discussion

Post  Jon606 Sun 27 Sep - 8:19


Antal inlägg : 195
Join date : 1969-12-31
Age : 33


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