[Chaos Addicted] Destruction Derby
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Round 3 Race Information

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Round 3 Race Information Empty Round 3 Race Information

Post  Jon606 Fri 25 Sep - 14:35

Here is the race information for Round 3, a.k.a. "Island Of Destruction", which will be at Fern Bay Club Reverse at 20:00 BST (19:00 GMT) on the 26th of September 2009. Please read the LEAGUE RULES to familiarise yourself with our rules.

1. Skinpack
Here is the skinpack for this thirdround; it contains all the hi-res skins of the drivers who are taking part in Round 3. Extract it to [whatever your LFS folder is called]/data/skins_x for hi-res fun! Download from here: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=5IQ4XALE

2. Layout
The layout that will be used will be the one that is currently on the server, but with a little change at the section with the hilljump so more people can finish the race. If you would like to practice this layout in single-player, then please download the file by clicking this link: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=D1RCSE6Z

3. Weather
We will have this round in sunny conditions with no wind.

4. Laps per race
Based on an average lap of this track with the layout to be 1:00, here are the laps for each race:
RACE 1 = 5 laps
RACE 2 = 5 laps
RACE 3 = 5 laps
RACE 4 = 10 laps

5. Starting the race
If you receive any penalties, then please tell an admin, who will remove it for you. If you make a false start and get spectated, then the admin will restart the race.

6. During the race
If you are rolled out, then please DO NOT SPECTATE. This will ruin other people's chances of scoring hit points, it will look more like a DD race with wrecks scattered around the track, and you will lose all of your points for that race.

7. After the race
When the race is finished, stop after the finish line and DO NOT try to force a restart. If a restart occurs without the admin restarting it, then you may be disqualified from the round if you were found to have caused the restart.

Here is the area where you can get the super bonus of 1000 points. The first person to do these exactly in the way described will get the points. Both areas are separate from each other.

To achieve the 1000 points for this manoeuvre, you must barrier slam your opponent (i.e. squeeze them) into the first ad of the two barriers on the third turn, and ALSO flatline them out of the race. If you only do the first part of this move, you will get half the points for it. If you do this on lap 1, race 1, you will get an extra 500 points. Here is where you have to do this move: https://2img.net/h/oi37.tinypic.com/1268nj7.png

8b. STUNT POINTS BONUS: Over The Crowd
To achieve this bonus, you must drive up the hilljump as far left as you can to go over the crowd, and land it. If you do not land it, you won't get the points. An extra 500 points will be given to anyone who skull crushes another opponent from this move. Here is what you have to do: https://2img.net/h/oi35.tinypic.com/2i2hqe.png

Good luck to everyone who takes part! Very Happy

Antal inlägg : 195
Join date : 1969-12-31
Age : 33


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