[Chaos Addicted] Destruction Derby
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need reporting pink users..

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need reporting pink users.. Empty need reporting pink users..

Post  Dark-TF Tue 8 Sep - 17:59

Hey .. at this night there are various crashers & rammers with pink cars & pink nicks

here are the replay ..


Antal inlägg : 12
Join date : 2009-08-21
Age : 42
Ort : Los Realejos - Tenerife ISland - Spain

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need reporting pink users.. Empty Re: need reporting pink users..

Post  Jon606 Sat 12 Sep - 3:23

Seems like these guys were only out to wreck everyone else and let themselves win, despite being pussies by not being able to take hits and having to get their teammates to wreck those who hit them, which isn't in the DD spirit at all.

pottsy1979, wHiP lAsH and justme are all banned for a month (31 days) due to breaking six rules in total.

Antal inlägg : 195
Join date : 1969-12-31
Age : 33


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