[Chaos Addicted] Destruction Derby
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Xcite | MI6hTy M

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Xcite | MI6hTy M Empty Xcite | MI6hTy M

Post  wildfire083 Sat 5 Sep - 9:56

standing at end of ramp making car hit his car and go flying. happens at end of replay



Antal inlägg : 2
Join date : 2009-06-28

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Xcite | MI6hTy M Empty Re: Xcite | MI6hTy M

Post  Jon606 Sat 5 Sep - 11:52

I'm surprised that someone from Xcite (who are a highly respected team) would do something like that. M16hTy M. is now on a final warning for breaking the rules twice in that replay.

However, this replay has got slider86 permanently banned, as he decided it would be fun to block the pits so no-one could get out, and as he has already been banned once before, then he would have been banned again anyway.

Antal inlägg : 195
Join date : 1969-12-31
Age : 33


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