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Report - Tisti and redman94 - Insulting people

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Report - Tisti and redman94 - Insulting people Empty Report - Tisti and redman94 - Insulting people

Post  GreyBull [CHA] Thu 18 Jun - 11:01

LFS & ingame name of the person: BK Tisty(Tisty) and GangstaRedman(redman94)
reason: insulting people(quite randomly) in French
link to replay / screenshots: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=WLDSOV61
also type the minute where the incident happened since nobody likes to watch a replay of 5 hours...: 1:05 ; 1:37 ; 2:10 ; 2:22 ; 2:42

(Okay so here's a replay of some people insulting people in french for no reason this evening on CAD, I tried to translate what they said by myself, but you can still check with an online translator.

Here's the replay : http://www.megaupload.com/?d=WLDSOV61

1:05 - redman94 : "desolé y avait eu ta mere dans le coffre elle est décédée cette pute"=sorry there was your mother in the trunk and this bitch died
1:37 - Tisti ; "Une vraie catin des bois"=A true bawd of the woods(I hope I didn't fail with this translation)
2:10 - redman94 "on fait la queue pour enculer ta mère"=we're waiting for fucking your mother(basically)
2:22 - Tisti "Ta gueule le pondé"=Shut up the ???(didn't even knew that the word pondé existed)
2:42 - "ta gueule toi joyeux noel pd"=shut up you gay, happy christmas

And they said much more after I saved the replay, but I have no proof(couldn't save the replay a second time).

I hope that you'll get rid of these stupid children. Thanks. Cool )

GreyBull [CHA]

Antal inlägg : 29
Join date : 2009-06-18

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